So here I tried to refine my designs - pick out the best features of each of the sketches and develop them a little better.
Last semester, my design idea was kind of super-natural. It was this spooky, ghost story played from the perspective of a little kid with an evolved set of physical abilities. Gameplay wise, I looked at the RPG elements of Oblivion and Fable and the action elements of Assassins Creed and Prince of Persia. I purposefully steered clear of guns because they just didn't really fit the setting or feel of the game (except for one small chapter =P ). Therefore, this semester I figured I'd go all out and design some kind of military shooter. Much to the dismay of my family, I have after all, been drawing guns and soldiers since I could first wield a pen! So as a starting point I looked at obvious favourites, Halo and Modern Warfare (and I will come back to Halo in later posts...). Although I wasn't really certain about a story to begin with, I knew I wanted certain features:
Near future setting
Group based dynamic
(Probably) Third Person
Include Vehicles
...if I'm forgetting any other features, I'm sure I'll come to them later on.
Since it wasn't my main focus to look at story, I decided to overlook it for the time being and push on with some drawing to see where it would take me.
Notably at this point I had spoken to Josh about concept work and he had explained that in order to be a really strong concept artist, you should be able to create imagery from a brief that will then go on to inform the design process as it develops. Like a back and forth dynamic between designer and artist. This was something I have tried to bear in mind right through as I set myself a brief and tried to react to new ideas that came through in the drawings.
I began the preliminary work that any artist starts with - loose sketches for the four main subject matters - armour, weapons, vehicles and enemies. I then went on to pick out the 'shapes' that looked strongest and create slightly more detailed designs.
Wahey - I finally have internet sorted out at home.
Thusly I can now continue my reflective diary, and there's a fair bit to catch up on! I'll try to keep it fairly brief and in some kind of attempt to make it more 'reader friendly' , I'm going to break it down into separate posts through the various stages of development.
First off, here's my project out-line for this semester as sent to Jim in week one:
My main ambition since embarking on this course has been to attain both the necessary relevant skills and an accomplished body of work of a high enough standard that I may break into professional Games Design. More specifically, I would love to work on the visual side of the design process as both an artist and design consultant - my dream to eventually become a chief art director for a high profile games development studio.
As a means of achieving this goal through my course work, I have decided to set myself a project which emulates the professional practice of a concept artist. This way, I hope to experience a 'taster' of the process involved in order to hone my skills in this more specific area. I will be aiming to produce a large amount of developmental artwork which will both improve my drawing/modelling skills and additionally allow for me to build up a strong portfolio of work to show to future employers. An important part of this will be regular meetings with tutors in order to attain feedback and constructive criticism about the work as it develops.
The outline of the project will see me responding to an as of yet undecided number of game 'concepts'. I will produce ideas and artwork to build-up the visual style and aesthetics of the game including characters, enemies, npc's, items, weapons, locations etc. Through critical evaluation from both tutors and peers, I hope to refine the ideas with the goal of producing a body of work which reflects a solid and cohesive game world.
Along side my main work, I am going to begin to model some of my drawings into 3D using Maya in order to take the design process through to the next stage.